Find It Cambridge

Find It Cambridge is an online resource that helps you easily find the activities, services, and resources you are looking for in Cambridge. Our city has an amazing array of opportunities, and Find It Cambridge serves as that one-stop-shop website for those who live, work and play here.

There are many features to make it easy for you to find what you are looking for: you can filter by age, category, location and/or cost; sign up to get reminders about upcoming events; report information that is outdated or inaccurate, and much more.

If you have any questions about Find It Cambridge, you can call our Find It Manager, Andrew Liedtka. He can be reached by email ( or phone (617-652-5232). You can also talk to a Find It Here Expert at the CPS Family Resource Center, Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC) and Center for Families (CFF) to get help with finding the resources you need.

Find It Cambridge is a cooperative initiative between the City of Cambridge’s Family Policy Council, Code for Boston, and Terravoz. Find It Cambridge was born out of collaborative discussions with diverse stakeholders: over 250 interviews and 1,250 surveys were completed by Cambridge residents and representatives from the city, schools, and community-based organizations. This valuable feedback highlighted the need for Find It Cambridge to serve as an easy-to-use, multilingual single-point portal based on the “build with, not for” approach.

For more information, visit or contact:

Nancy Tauber
Executive Director, Family Policy Council